FRIDAY TTC POST (who is makin a baby??
hey... even if you can't temp it might be a good idea to track your cycle length and get some cheap opk's so that you can get an idea of when you are ovulating and if at all possible bd then. Micah was sperm shot as I like to call it 5 days prior to my you never know. At least if you do opk and cycle length you can find out if your luteal phase is okay. Let me know if you have questions. Shari
So, I'm thinking that I may be ready to come back and be added to the list! After finally getting my period back last month after delivering son #3 15 weeks ago, I suppose it's time to start tracking and charting for #4. We're aiming for the girl in there somewhere, and if not, we'll just end up starting our own baseball team! hahaha"> src="" alt="pregnancy week by week" border="0" />